Tuesday, February 3, 2009

1/30 Show-The Show of New Interns and Dancing Mothers

So Wyatt's been kicking my butt with the whole blogging bit, and I need to get my head in the game and beat him at his own game!
We had a killer show this past week-there was some epic dancing by my mom and my aunt, who couldn't seem to contain their excitement (radio has that effect on some people...guess it runs in the family), some great new music, and the introduction of our new intern, Josh. At his arrival, I executively decided that we are to have a new segment every week called "What About Josh?" Actually, it was called something far more clever than that, except I cannot remember for the life of me what it is. During this segment, we will ask Josh ridiculously embarrassing and obscure questions about his life and musical tastes. So await that impatiently, as I will.

Without further ado, here's the playlist from this week:

1. Ain't Got No / I Got Life (Groovefinder Remix)-Nina Simone
2. Cinnamon-The Long Winters
3. Shout-De Novo Dahl
4. California-Rogue Wave
5. Blue Sunshine- Blue Giant
6. Great Lakes-Valery Gore
7. Fake Palindromes-Andrew Bird
8. Ingots-Kaki King
9. The Bomb- Bitter:Sweet
10. Jimmy Brown-Bend Sinister
11. Both Ends Burning-Come On Gang!
12. Everything They Know About Us-The Salteens
13. Benton Harbor Blues (Again)-The Fiery Furnaces
14. Never Stop Loving You-Meredith Luce
15. I Can't Give You Up- Smoove & Turrell
16. Santa Clara-The National
17. Absurd Heroes Manifestos-Arthur & Yu
18. One Red Thread-Blind Pilot
19. My Good Deed-Shearwater
20. Wake Up-Princeton
21. I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked-Ida Maria
22. An Apple For An Apple-Miles Kurosky
23. Gotta Work-Amerie
24. Blood Bank-Bon Iver

We're still working out some technical kinks in recording our own podcasts right in the station, but we'll get it down so that you all can listen to us whenver you want! However, you will miss spectacular events such as my mother dancing to "I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked" if you just listen to the podcast. And I know that's the only reason you tune in...
Until next week, my amigos.

You're all lovely.