Musically, 2008 was kind of like a bunch of balloons. What is happier than a bunch of balloons? They're colorful and festive, they bring joy to young and old alike, they celebrate everything from birthdays to . You can skip along the sidewalk with a whole bunch in your hand, humming and pretending you're about to be blown up into the sky. I had some fantastic balloons in my bunch last year, and it just kept growing: Bon Iver, Grand Archives, M. Ward. 2009 is like that same bunch of balloons two days later-a slightly delfated and depressing version of its former self. I would like to think the balloons haven't changed, that I've just spent so much time thinking about and commenting on the finer points of balloon quality, I'm getting harder and harder to impress. Or maybe it really is that I'm just getting old and crotchety. But it seems to me that there are less new bands, and the old bands I used to love are, well, slightly deflated and depressing versions of their former selves. Grand Archives, Yo La Tengo, The Avett Brothers, all of them have new albums that make me wish I had a new bunch of balloons. Turns out, no one sells balloons anymore-there's a severe shortage of new bands that have yet to wow me. Last year, Bon Iver made me feel like I was falling in love with indie music all over again. His new project, Volcano Choir, is less accessible, more obscure, and leaves me feeling like I just ran into an ex-boyfriend in the supermarket and we talked about green beans and can't tell whether he still likes me or not.
One of the few balloons that's just as bright and buoyant as the day I discovered it will be gracing WRGW with it's presence this Saturday! Wyatt and I will have the esteemed pleasure of interviewing Elizabeth and the Catapult as part of Octoberfest, WRGW's month-long series of live interviews and in-studio performances. Be sure to tune in at 2 p.m. EST to catch us chatting with a Vibrations of Nations favorite!
Before we get to the podcast, the first four song songs on the playlist are not on the podcast because we were facing grave technical difficulties (Read: Our computers outsmarted us.) So in order to make up for it, here is the trailer for the most anticipated film of this year by anyone between the ages of 16 and 25, Where the Wild Things Are. On it is a version of Arcades Fire's "Wake Up" we played in that first block. It will make you weep. Quiet literally. Our Rock Director actually can't watch it without crying.
And without further ado....
1. Lover and a Friend-Eddie Bo and Inez Cheatham
2. Sweet Jane-The Velvet Underground
3. 8 Point Agenda (Feat. Latryrnx)-The Herbaliser
4. Wake Up-Arcade Fire
(Stuff White People Like: children's books.)
5. Yea Yeah-Matt & Kim
6. 40 Day Dream-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
7. Goods (LP Version)-Mates of State
8. Ahead of the Curve-Monsters of Folk
(Wyatt's fiefdom and what happens when you meet expectations)
9. Come on Over (Feat. Afrodeyte)-Breakestra
10. Give Your Heart Away-The Black Keys
11. A Guide to the World's Most Fantastic Monster-Hallelujah the Hills
12. The Calculation-Regina Spektor
(Apparently I've invented a new word: HU-larious)
13. Can You Get To That-Funkadelic
14. Easy-Deer Tick
15. Old Hound-The Moondoggies
16. The Sun-Portugal the Man
(Beer! Cuz your friends just aren't that entertaining.)
17. The Devil Never Sleeps-Iron & Wine
18. Relator-Pete Yorn and Scarlett Johanssen
19. Get Down (Quantic Soul Orchestra Remix)-Nas
20. Out at Sea-Heartless Bastards
(Peter asked Scarlett? Zuh?)
21. Beggin'-Madcon
22. Learn to Lose-Hockey
23. Hit the Wall-Elizabeth and the Catapult
24. Kick Drum Heart-The Avett Brothers
(We mourn the deflation of The Avett Brothers)
25. Never Forget You-Noisettes
Be sure to tune in Saturday for the Elizabeth and the Catapult interview, and Sunday for good ol' Vibrations of Nations!
You're all lovely,
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Attack of the Ex-Intern!

He came from above, and without warning. I was all alone-Wyatt was running around like a chicken with his head cut off, looking for a road to cross. Suddenly, an obscenely tall, dark figure filled the doorway, headphones dangling dangerously around his neck. "No," I thought. "It can't be...." But there he was, in all his glory, Josh the Intern. Risen from the depths of that school across the swamp that shall remain nameless, he came to complete our trio, even if only for two hours on a Sunday evening. Stars aligned, the planets hung in a perfect balance, and all was right with the world.
We here at Vibrations of Nations would like to believe that we reflect the current musical trends. While we were having our own little reunion, some other, and frankly less attractive and important people in some band called Pavement, decided to get back together and do a little touring. Starting in New York in 2010, Pavement will be bouncing around major cities all across the U.S. for the reunion tour! Between them and the Pixies, I feel like all those couples you thought were going to make it in high school, who then broke up in college, are getting back together to restore our faith in humanity.
We had quite a lot to celebrate, so Wyatt made is 278th run to his dorm to get balloons. Turns out balloons are filled with helium. Turns out helium makes you sound like a chipmunk. Turns out we never matured past 6th grade. Oh well. That's about the last time Pavement played together anyways, so let's just say we were in the mood.
(Apologies in advance for cutting off the first 20 seconds of the first song in the podcast. My computer and I had a fight. It won. But just the battle, I prevailed in the war.)
1. Wild Young Hearts-Noisettes
2. The Re-arranger-Mates of State
3. Do You-Portugal the Man
4. The Big Surprise-The Felice Brothers
(Eb and Josh talk, Wyatt looks befuddled)
5. I Want You D.A.N.C.E. (Justice Vs. Jackson 5)-ComaR
6. Extreme Ways-Moby
7. How Glad I Am (feat. The Living Sisters)-The Greyboy Allstars
8. Lone Star Theme- The Lone Stars
(Wyatt and I revel in our international fan base)
9. Single Ladies-Pomplamoose
10. Naive-Amie J
11. Temecula Sunrise-Dirty Projectors
12. It's Real (Lack of Afro Remix)-Hot 8 Brass Band
(All hail the Great Wyatt!)
13. Summer Babe (Winter Version)-Pavement
14. Ain't Nobody but the Baby-Allison Krauss, Gillian Welch, and Emmylou Harris
15. Laundry Room-The Avett Brothers
16. Bottle Rocket-Kidnap Kids
(We discover balloons are filled with helium...)
17. The Lengths-The Black Keys
18. Luna-Big Boss Man
19. I Left My Love in Nagasaki-Princeton
20. Have Love, Will Travel-Lefty Soul Connection
(Wyatt is left-handed)
21. Dark Don't Hide It-Magnolia Electric Co.
22. Know Better, Learn Faster-Thao
23. Tick of Time-The Kooks
(You're lovely, it's been emotional)
24. Hoochie Coo-Blakroc
Be sure to tune in next week!
You're all lovely,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Never fear!
Don't worry, we understand.
You were curing cancer.
Your souffle was burning.
You had that thing with that guy that you just couldn't miss because you've had it scheduled for like, EVER.
These are all pressing matters you could have been attending to between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m. EST yesterday evening. So for all those super busy, cancer-curing pastry chefs out there who missed the first Vibrations of Nations of the season, we got you covered. Below this exceedingly witty and intelligent post, you will see a nifty little player, and on that nifty little player, a swell little "play" button. Click it. I dare you. Fortune goes to the bold!
While we expect you to listen to it all the way through, relishing every moment of our melodic voices (and some other people's melodic voices too, I guess), here are some first show highlights:
-Wyatt's tie was colorful and embodied his chic sense of fashion, not to mention his impeccable taste in music.
-The new Throw Me the Statue album, Creaturesque, is the only sophomore effort this summer in which the band producing said album (cough Grand Archives cough) made musical progress. This undoubtedly has something to do with the addition of Pedro the Lion's Casey Foubert to the now quartet. Well done. TAKE THAT PITCHFORK.
-"Little Bitty Pretty One" is our theme song. This is not because we wish we were Matilda and could move all the CDs in the studio around our heads as we do our spinny office chair dance....
-There's only two things to do in Minnesota: 1) Get smashed. 2) Make music. Actually three. But we couldn't say the third one on air. I'll give you a hint: Sometimes getting smashed and a little music, not to mention it being -35 outside, makes it seem like a real good idea. These are not mutually exclusive, but I know Adam Young of Owl City does at least one.
-SURPRISE! We like hip-hop. It's true, we're not entirely indie-hipsters. We premiered a brand new band out of LA, Warm Brew, to a great reception on Facebook. Tune in for more of these guys in the next few weeks!
-PIXIES ARE TOURING. PIXIES ARE TOURING. PIXIES ARE TOURING. It's true-the Pixies have planned a U.S. tour to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their album Doolittle. (I think I might've said 10th year on the air-okay, so I wish it were still 1999 and I could bedazzle something.) You can find out when they're coming to a city near you here. It must be the apocalypse, because life can only go downhill from there.
-"Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros was the best song of the summer. Period.
Oh, and in between all this witty banter, we decided to play some music, ya know, just for kicks. See how the people liked it. Turns out that's why the tune in....
1. Heartbreaker-Ray Charles
2. We Made Our Way, We Amtrakked-Pas/Cal
3. Mathar-Dave Pike
4. Hi-Fi Goon-Throw Me The Statue
(witty banter)
5. You Don't Have to Believe Me-Eric Hutchinson
6. Dig That Crazy Grave-Grand Archives
7. Driving Nails in My Coffin-Those Darlins'
8. I Want You!-Peter Bjorn and John
(more witty banter)
9. Little Bitty Pretty One-Thurston Harris
10. Franklin's Tower-Grateful Dead
11. Timebomb-Old 97s.
12. Cannibal Resource-Dirty Projectors
(witty banter, the third)
13. Walk Like An Egyptian-The Puppini Sisters
14. Fireflies-Owl City
15. International-Lack of Afro
16. Here to Fall-Yo La Tengo
(the wit! the banter!)
17. Talkin' Trash-DJ Format
18. Acorn Factory-The DoDos
19. I Just Fell in Love Again-Quantic and His Combo Bombaro
20. Oh Baby (Feat. Hugh Augustine MC)-Warm Brew
(mr. wit and mrs. banter)
21. Home-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
22. Hey-Pixies
(bantering wittily, for the last time)
23. Out of Time- The Duke and the Duchess
Well now that I've saved you from being deprived of musical satisfaction, you can go back to that thing with that guy. And remember, we're good souffle-baking background music. Invite that guy over for a little dessert and Vibrations of Nations. Who knows. You could end up in Minnesota.
You're all lovely.
You were curing cancer.
Your souffle was burning.
You had that thing with that guy that you just couldn't miss because you've had it scheduled for like, EVER.
These are all pressing matters you could have been attending to between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m. EST yesterday evening. So for all those super busy, cancer-curing pastry chefs out there who missed the first Vibrations of Nations of the season, we got you covered. Below this exceedingly witty and intelligent post, you will see a nifty little player, and on that nifty little player, a swell little "play" button. Click it. I dare you. Fortune goes to the bold!
While we expect you to listen to it all the way through, relishing every moment of our melodic voices (and some other people's melodic voices too, I guess), here are some first show highlights:
-Wyatt's tie was colorful and embodied his chic sense of fashion, not to mention his impeccable taste in music.
-The new Throw Me the Statue album, Creaturesque, is the only sophomore effort this summer in which the band producing said album (cough Grand Archives cough) made musical progress. This undoubtedly has something to do with the addition of Pedro the Lion's Casey Foubert to the now quartet. Well done. TAKE THAT PITCHFORK.
-"Little Bitty Pretty One" is our theme song. This is not because we wish we were Matilda and could move all the CDs in the studio around our heads as we do our spinny office chair dance....
-There's only two things to do in Minnesota: 1) Get smashed. 2) Make music. Actually three. But we couldn't say the third one on air. I'll give you a hint: Sometimes getting smashed and a little music, not to mention it being -35 outside, makes it seem like a real good idea. These are not mutually exclusive, but I know Adam Young of Owl City does at least one.
-SURPRISE! We like hip-hop. It's true, we're not entirely indie-hipsters. We premiered a brand new band out of LA, Warm Brew, to a great reception on Facebook. Tune in for more of these guys in the next few weeks!
-PIXIES ARE TOURING. PIXIES ARE TOURING. PIXIES ARE TOURING. It's true-the Pixies have planned a U.S. tour to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their album Doolittle. (I think I might've said 10th year on the air-okay, so I wish it were still 1999 and I could bedazzle something.) You can find out when they're coming to a city near you here. It must be the apocalypse, because life can only go downhill from there.
-"Home" by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros was the best song of the summer. Period.
Oh, and in between all this witty banter, we decided to play some music, ya know, just for kicks. See how the people liked it. Turns out that's why the tune in....
1. Heartbreaker-Ray Charles
2. We Made Our Way, We Amtrakked-Pas/Cal
3. Mathar-Dave Pike
4. Hi-Fi Goon-Throw Me The Statue
(witty banter)
5. You Don't Have to Believe Me-Eric Hutchinson
6. Dig That Crazy Grave-Grand Archives
7. Driving Nails in My Coffin-Those Darlins'
8. I Want You!-Peter Bjorn and John
(more witty banter)
9. Little Bitty Pretty One-Thurston Harris
10. Franklin's Tower-Grateful Dead
11. Timebomb-Old 97s.
12. Cannibal Resource-Dirty Projectors
(witty banter, the third)
13. Walk Like An Egyptian-The Puppini Sisters
14. Fireflies-Owl City
15. International-Lack of Afro
16. Here to Fall-Yo La Tengo
(the wit! the banter!)
17. Talkin' Trash-DJ Format
18. Acorn Factory-The DoDos
19. I Just Fell in Love Again-Quantic and His Combo Bombaro
20. Oh Baby (Feat. Hugh Augustine MC)-Warm Brew
(mr. wit and mrs. banter)
21. Home-Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
22. Hey-Pixies
(bantering wittily, for the last time)
23. Out of Time- The Duke and the Duchess
Well now that I've saved you from being deprived of musical satisfaction, you can go back to that thing with that guy. And remember, we're good souffle-baking background music. Invite that guy over for a little dessert and Vibrations of Nations. Who knows. You could end up in Minnesota.
You're all lovely.
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