Watching Sleazy UFOs Passing By - Devil Mcdoom
Contrary to the descriptive words in its title, "Watching Sleazy UFOs Passing By" is a classy, classy cut-n-paste instrumental. Devil Mcdoom, who hails from Stockholm, Sweden, certainly knows his way around a break and a melody. He opens up the track with an ethereal, almost angelic vocal sample that forms the core of the song. The two other main elements cut in soon soon after, with Mcdoom splicing in a dope break and a bassline that could have been taken straight out of an old lounge jazz song- the bass clef notes flitting from the speakers until they take a much more concrete sound during the bass solo towards the end of the song. Mcdoom tops it all off with some spacey moog swooshes. Whenever I listen to this song I imagine fireflies on a muggy summer night, flying through a tree in a secluded field. That's just me though...
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